The day foretold has finally arrived. The Great Seattle Earthquake has come–to my doorstep, delivered by overnight express. And it’s a fine and handsome book, the culmination of three years of painstaking research into subjects as diverse as geophysics, government disaster preparedness, and even local Native American legends.
The story line of this thriller follows the fates of a small collection of characters whose experiences are portrayed in great detail, while society as a whole is shaken out of its earthquake complacency by devastating events on a grand scale.
To the best of my ability as an author, I have striven to both entertain–scare, that is–and educate. Did you know a huge earthquake fault runs directly under the City of Seattle? Did you know it snapped around 1100 years ago, raising portions of the sea bottom and sinking a village of the Duwamish Tribe under tsunami sand? Do you know what Mariners stadium evacuation plans call for in case of a quake? Well, I do, and I wrote tons of factual information in and between scenes describing the characters’ desperate struggles to survive.
Curious? Follow this LINK to a page that lists every available version, from Kindle to Nook to iBook to paperback.
I’m pretty sure you won’t be disappointed.