Ever have one of those days when bullfighting a triceratops was your only option for relieving summertime boredom? Yeah. Me too.
But now you’ve got an alternative. Let Chase Armstrong bullfight that triceratops while you read a book on the beach or by the pool.
Which book? How about a book in which Chase Armstrong fights a triceratops? That could work.
Today and tomorrow, Amazon–the T rex of booksellers–is running a special on my ebook, Dinosaur Tales, in which Chase carries off his spectacular stunt. You can’t beat the price, $0.00. No need to even own a Kindle reader. You can download it to your computer.
No more need to fret that the makers of the movie Jurassic World didn’t bother to publish a print version of their film. Now you can get your quota of dinosaur-stomping fiction at no cost. That’s cheap!
Once again, here’s the link to get Dinosaur Tales. Note: Amazon has all kinds of deals including their Kindle Unlimited for free. But look just below that for the tiny little link that says “$0.00 to buy.” That’s the one.
Two days only, July 3 and 4. Let the fireworks begin!