As I work in a frenzy to complete my revision of Dinosaur Wars: Counterattack, I find it useful sometimes to refer to a map of the action. Here’s a diagram of Western Washington, showing the details of Victor Suarez’ valiant effort to quell a Kra invasion from the shores of the Olympic Peninsula. It’s one of the central events of Counterattack, and it’s the fount of quite a bit of excitement for readers who like a good battle scene. There are plenty of ’em here.
Click it for a closer look.
Out of curiosity, was there any other covers for Dinosaur Wars (the first one) before the current one, or the one present on the novel? A friend of mine told me about a cover for Dinosaur Wars that she recalls seeing that involved an upright, green, scaly dinosaur with a spacesuit on, holding a rifle of sorts. I don’t ever recall that kind of cover before. She says that it is possible to have a cover that doesn’t completely fit the book, but I find it hard to believe that they would make that big of a mistake (big difference between green and scaly, and dark-colored and feathery).
There have been a few other intelligent dinosaur stories over the years, and what you describe is vaguely familiar. Most are out of print paperbacks and rather hard to find these days. I wandered around the web to see if I could see what you’re talking about, but no luck. On the other hand, no, there has never been a cover for Dinosaur Wars that shows a green scaly dino. Too out of date for my tastes!
Say, are any of your writings going to be available on audiobook? Great for commuters, dogwalkers, and exercisers.
Judy, at present there are no CD audiobooks in the works. I did notice the other day that the Kindle versions of my books and stories are all Text-to-Speech Enabled, so some Kindles can actually read them to you in their robot voices. I don’t know if Nook and other formats offer that or not.
In my dreams, Patrick Stewart reads my stories with full Shakespearean flair. But checking my budget (what budget?) convinces me he won’t be doing that anytime soon. I suppose I could read them myself as some authors do, but after having listened to Asimov reading one of his own (mercifully, I’ve forgotten which) I think not.
Anyway, keep your fingers crossed for an audio version of Dinosaur Wars to accompany the movie.